Have tilted it side to side in both directions as well but it still will not run.
Wall clock stops after a few minutes.
The easiest way to adjust this in the first instance is simply to tip the clock on the wall.
This only takes a few minutes to readjust and all pendulum clock owners should learn how as this will happen eventually.
So the first thing to check is that it is in beat.
The fact that it does only run for a few minutes generally indicates there may be no broken parts.
If it s badly out of beat it will stop within a few minutes.
If your clock keeps stopping it could be the space it rests on.
Wipe the interior clock movements a second time with the paintbrush and more rubbing alcohol making sure you clean all areas.
Setting the beat of the pendulum clock.
The clock tilts forward at top due to hook on wall have packed a bit of folded tissue under bottom edge to sit it more perpendicular to the wall.
If it s only slightly out of beat it could run for days but will eventually stop earlier than it should.
A clock that leans to the left or right at the slightest angle will throw your pendulum into pandemonium or stop it in its daily tracks for tracking good time.
But don t worry it s not terminal and can be cured.
The act of putting the pendulum in motion causes the clock to run until it eventually slows to a stop.
For wall clocks always remove your pendulum before taking the clock off the wall.
The clock only runs for a few minutes and then it stops.
Put it back on the wall and the pendulum stops after a few minutes it just swings slower and slower until it stops.
The movement is not actually running on it s own power.
A clock that is out of beat is likely to stop because the pendulum is not receiving the optimum impulses to keep it swinging.
The pendulum needs to swing exactly equal distances from dead center to the left as from dead center to the right.
If the beat sounds better but it s still not perfect add more coins until the beat sounds even.
How to set the beat of the pendulum clock.
Dip a 12mm paintbrush in rubbing alcohol and slowly brush it over the pinion teeth and pivots.
Dabbing a few drops of clean oil on the area then restarting the pendulum should get the clock running again.
If the pendulum stays in the clock it may scratch the inside of the case as well as change the beat and then the clock may not work.
This can actually a good sign.
The rubbing alcohol completely cleans the clock movements and then naturally evaporates.
If you ve recently moved your clock you should check the foundation for levelness.
If a clock is out of beat the pendulum will swing for a few minutes then stop even if the clock case is level.
If it s not doing this it will stop.