Wall clock time one of the core functions of the time module is time which returns the number of seconds since the start of the epoch as a floating point value.
Wall clock time python.
Time clock on unix return the current processor time as a floating point number expressed in seconds.
Another common application of python time function is to measure the elapsed wall clock time between two points.
The wall clock time is also called elapsed or running time.
The python docs state that this function should be used for benchmarking purposes.
Import time print the time is time time although the value is always a float actual precision is platform dependent.
Pythom time method clock returns the current processor time as a floating point number expressed in seconds on unix.
Wall time also called real world time or wall clock time refers to elapsed time as determined by a chronometer such as a wristwatch or wall clock.
It is same like timing your job with a stopwatch.
Note wall clock time is the actual time lapsed in completing a job.
The reference to a wall clock is how the term originally got its name.
Use threading get ident or the ident attribute of threading thread objects to get a suitable value for thread id.
Wall time real world time or wall clock time.
Python server side programming programming to get the timer ticks at a given time use the clock.
Time clock method also call c library function of the same name to get the result.
Another important concept is the so called system time which is measured by the system clock.
The precision depends on that of the c function of the same name but in any case this is the function to use for benchmarking python or timing algorithms.
Return the clk id of the thread specific cpu time clock for the specified thread id.
Time clock method of time module in python is used to get the current processor time as a floating point number expressed in seconds.
The precision and in fact the very definition of the meaning of processor time depends on that of the c function of the same name but in any case this is the function to use for benchmarking python or timing algorithms.